HOW TO DEAL WITH IMPOSSIBLE PEOPLE I was emotionally affected by an impossible person this morning so I decided to write the following tips in how to deal with impossible people. RESIST THE URGE TO BE DEFENSIVE. You cannot win an argument with an aggressive or...
PROFESSIONALISM WHEN INTERVIEWING FOR JOBS I would like to discuss your behaviour when interviewed, today – not your CV or your qualifications and experience. Your behaviour (everything you say and do, including your body language) will be scrutinised...
HOW TO MANAGE UP Do you know how to ‘manage’ your boss? It is so important to know how and when to discuss important issues that affect you, your career, your glide-path, or anything else that requires your manager’s input, consideration or permission. There...
INFLUENCING OTHERS Having influence over people means that you have the ability to gain support for your opinions, views, ideas, thoughts, beliefs, goals and objectives by using language to persuade people to buy into your way of thinking. If you make an effort to...
GOSSIP Gossip can be defined as idle, malicious, slanderous or destructive talking or writing about another person or situation with the intention to hurt them, regardless of fact. Gossip can be true or false, but it is still gossip. It is by far the most common...