Courses & Workshops


Stress Management

Stress management is the ability to manage stressful situations and events in such a way that you don’t develop adverse mental, physical or emotional symptoms and maintaining healthy relationships whilst doing so.

Relationship Management

Building and maintaining mutually satisfying relationships with relevant role-players is emotionally and financially very rewarding and it may mean the difference between success and failure in your own career, sales and market share.

Public Speaking And Presentation Skills Training

In order to influence, inform and/or persuade, you need to have good presentation and speaking skills. Our course will help you to gain the confidence you need to be a successful speaker.

Professionalism In The Workplace

‘Professionalism’ describes the standards or expectations that society has of people’s conduct, socially and in the workplace. Professionalism is about good manners, communication, the way we dress, speak and conduct ourselves, our honesty, reliability, compassion, empathy, competence etc

Professional Selling Skills

All successful businesses have skilled sales people that sell their product(s) and/or service(s). Your business’ success or failure may be determined by the competence of your sales people.

Personal Mastery Through Emotional Intelligence

Personal Mastery is about creating personal vision, purpose, and committing to live with truth, empathy (understanding) and compassion. Personal Mastery is about mastering yourself emotionally, spiritually, physically, spiritually and mentally. It also refers to the ability to create and maintain healthy relationships.

Negotiation Skills

Negotiation, in a business context can be used for selling, purchasing, staff (e.g. contracts), borrowing (e.g. loans) and transactions, along with anything else that you feel are applicable for your business. We negotiate every day! We should all learn how to do it well!

Leadership & Management

‘Leadership’ refers to the leader’s behaviour. ‘Management’ refers to tasks and activities. We teach delegates how to behave and what to do in specific circumstances. Our course is very practical and delegates are equipped to manage staff more effectively and to get the best from them.

Emotional Intelligence Training

Emotional intelligence is the skills you need to identify and manage your own and others’ emotions whilst communicating, especially in stressful situations. Emotional intelligent people have less stress and they able to assert themselves in a respectful way. People with high EQ have more peace in their lives and they are able to manage their impulses.

Customer Service Excellence

Our customer service course deals with all aspects of customer service. Delegates learn people skills, specific communication skills that will uncover issues, problems, needs and expectations and most importantly, how to give regular feedback. We also teach delegates how to deal with policies, procedures, systems issues that the customer may not know about, that influences decisions that will affect customer satisfaction.

Communicate With Emotional Intelligence

Learn how to communicate more effectively – especially in stressful situations. When we get upset or angry we often don’t want to behave well. This course will teach you how to identify and manage our own emotions and behaviour whilst communicating.

Assertiveness Training

Assertive is about expressing yourself in an honest, respectful, open and appropriate manner.

Coaches Training For Companies

It is a known fact that companies that have a coaching and mentoring approach are more successful.

Coaches Training For Individuals

Coaching is very rewarding because as a coach you have a hand in others’ success! Your clients will become highly motivated to achieve their goals and change limiting behaviours.


Team Re-Building

Elsabé Manning facilitates Team Re-Building workshops with great success. Rebuilding a team entails uncovering and resolving team issues; overcoming obstacles and healing broken relationships. This workshop is the beginning of lasting, trusting, respectful relationships. The entire team commits to pull together with clearly defined common vision, goals and objectives.

Strategy Workshop

Elsabe Manning facilitates strategy sessions for organisations, companies and teams to tailor a strategic framework, aligned across all divisions, that will direct teams and individuals to display specific high performance behaviours that will lead to successfully achieving planned results.

Performance Excellence

In order to develop higher productivity and to establish staff loyalty, personal, team and organisational values, mission and goals must be aligned. Align individuals and teams’ values, goals and objectives to the organisation’s values, goals and objectives.