PROFESSIONALISM WHEN INTERVIEWING FOR JOBS I would like to discuss your behaviour when interviewed, today – not your CV or your qualifications and experience. Your behaviour (everything you say and do, including your body language) will be scrutinised...
HOW TO MANAGE UP Do you know how to ‘manage’ your boss? It is so important to know how and when to discuss important issues that affect you, your career, your glide-path, or anything else that requires your manager’s input, consideration or permission. There...
YOUR IMAGE When we first meet people we judge them within seconds of meeting them – from how successful, capable, creative and intelligent they are to how much money they earn and what car they must be driving. Your mind is practically made up – and...
UNEXPRESSED EXPECTATIONS We often don’t express our expectations to others and yet we expect them to deliver on our unexpressed expectations. These unexpressed expectations cause unnecessary resentment, anger, outbursts and unhappiness – even job losses! Make a list...
PROFESSIONALISM IN THE WORKPLACE ‘PROFESSIONALISM’ is the term used to describe the internationally accepted standards or expectations that society has of people’s conduct and levels of competence in the workplace. These standards of conduct are set by society,...