“Thank you for the effort you put into the training. Your personal warmth and obvious enjoyment of what you do added great value to the entire experience. There was a time when I considered bonding with others risky at best – there was no upside. As you would know, people in my position constantly scan their environment and re-evaluate the facts in order to prove/disprove their theory. It takes time to change patterns, but the couple of days on course with you provided yet another body of evidence that one may step out without sharp edged items and survive the day.” Marietha Harding.


I am an executive of a listed company in Johannesburg. I must admit that I was nervous and felt very vulnerable at the prospect of running a workshop like this. I knew that there were a number of issues to resolve around my leadership and that there were team members who simply tolerated me and barely spoke to each other. We needed someone we could trust to help us rebuild the strong relationships we once had so that we could start trusting each other and move forward as a team again.

Elsabé is amazing. She created a safe environment for everyone to speak without fear of consequences. She helped us to rebuild the team through open communication and real collaboration. We are once again totally commitment to each other and the organisation. We left the workshop having set team goals and objectives which are aligned to the organisation’s goals and objectives. Thank you Elsabé. We couldn’t have done it without you. Phillipa Carr.


Elsabe’s course touched everybody in different and numerous ways. We had introverts that would not communicate at all, who now are amongst the best communicators we currently have. There has been a profound increase in problem solving from my staff, as opposed to the constant questioning. In general it brought out the best in most of my staff and also singled out the “bad apples.” I have a much clearer picture of how to handle my staff and in determining who is capable of what. I have also included two testimonials from my staff for further referral:

“You have had an unbelievable impact on my life. I have started to take control of my life again. I believe in myself and have direction in what I would like to achieve. It’s not just a dream anymore – it is actually happening. It’s all because of your support and confidences you instilled in me that all these changes are happening. Thank you, you are amazing and so professional.”


“Yes, communication is a lot better in the company. Team spirit is also stronger. Elsabe taught me to keep calmer in tense situations – not worth loosing what you have. It was a great workshop and I will continue to try and apply what was taught to the team and me.” Vaughn Mentrup, Managing Director, Airoad Express


Thank you for training conducted on Thursday, I was very impressed and as mentioned you definitely met all my expectations. The team thoroughly enjoyed the workshop and all will take action. – Chris Vermeulen. National Sales & Marketing Manager – Packages. UPS Supply Chain Solutions


“The course presented by Elsabe to our front-line staff who deal with customer relations issues on a daily basis was filled with insight and assisted greatly in enhancing staff attitudes and behaviour, to be more professional in the workplace. Special mention has to be made of the personal and interactive style in which the course is done, which staff not only enjoyed, but also related to very well. Standard Bank would recommend the course to any Business who wished to achieve a higher understanding of what professionalism is about, and what it is not. Perfect grounding material for an improved image for staff who deal with customers every day.”

– Barbara Cleary – Standard Bank


Elsabé is a very good listener, which always makes for a good start, but I suppose that is what professional coaching should be about.

Her questioning style around the situation/issue/circumstances is hugely beneficial in analysing the situation and participants, enabling one to clarify behaviour and reaction to the situation, whilst at the same time giving insight into predictive behaviour. I relate this to Stephen Covey’s habit of seek first to understand before being understood, a sensible and logical approach often erroneously neglected when one gets caught up in things. This process of analysis also enables one to do the relevant introspection and identify areas for improvement.

Elsabé’s advice in dealing with situations has been sound and beneficial also contributing to an improved sense of confidence, self esteem and control. Her back-to-basics approach of planning, setting goals etc enables one to focus and follow through on the required action.

Her articles are of high quality, thought-provoking and succinct.

Elsabé offers excellent value for money. – George Baptiste


My dream is to become a qualified Personal and-Executive Coach. While searching for info in Personal Coaching, I came across Elsabe’s website and contacted her. Because I’m from the Eastern Cape where Personal Coaching is still virtually unknown, I had to be very careful in selecting the right person to help me. She seemed one of the most genuine and honest people I spoke to.

I did the Personal Coaching course with her and learned so much. Her material is organised and easy to use. She also taught me not to limit myself and really work to reach my goals and more. She’s professional and really believes in what she does. She’s also one of very few people these days who answers all e-mails and return phone calls.

I’m well on my way in setting up my own Coaching practice and will go back to Elsabe for more training as soon as I get the chance. Elize Vermaak